February Newsletter 2018

Living Longer and Happier

We love communicating with our clients and partners. Unfortunately, as a cleaning company, there is only so much to say about cleaning!!

We will always try and promote what we do, but honestly, it’s more important (and more fun) to connect with you on various interesting topics and we love to provide useful information.

So, this month, it’s life improvement time. For starters, we found some amazing information on how to extend our lives. Not only in terms of years but in terms of quality of life as well.

Did you know there is a simple test you can do at home to determine longevity and health? It’s called the SRT and you can learn all about it here . For the record, we can’t do this and we don’t know a ton of people who can, but we are all about trying!!

The best article we found on aging healthy and gracefully was recently published in Time Magazine . Fascinating stuff on exercise, friendships, habits and the impact of family on happiness.

The oldest recorded human lived to 122 years!! While we can’t all hope to live that long, we found lots of useful information that might help us squeeze out a few more years.

Finally, we ran across a fun site that will tell you what “biological age” you are, versus how many years you have been here. The test can be found here , and will tell you a lot about how your habits and lifestyle affect your “real age”.

Here’s to a healthy and happy year for all of you!

Where do we Eat Out?

Every now and then we find stuff that we absolutely must share with you.

The folks at medium.com did an exhaustive study of the most popular cuisines by city.

For example, Denver ranks 7th in Mexican food, and 10th in steak houses! We also come in 10th in coffee shop visits, (if you guessed Seattle as the unofficial coffee capital of the US, you were right).

You can enlarge maps down to the level of local Denver neighborhoods.

The complete article can be found here, happy reading (and eating)!


Car Thieves. In Denver?

If you are like us, we don’t think of Denver as an unsafe city. Sure, we have our share of crime, some of it violent, but in the grand scheme of things we live in a very safe place.

So, we were shocked to read that Denver has already had 633 motor vehicle thefts this year alone. We average 14 vehicles stolen PER DAY in Denver, or an average of over 425 a month.

With winter here, car theft goes up. This is primarily due to “puffing” where an owner warms his car up, only to come outside and realize it’s gone.  If you are curious there are laws that cover our state and what you can do legally and that info can be found here.

Lastly, there are some things you can do to deter would-be thieves from targeting your vehicle.

This article, written by a former car thief gives great insight into how to protect one of our most valuable assets.


How’s Your Snow Driving?

We all get a chuckle thinking about the folks that have moved here and don’t know how to drive in the snow.

It’s less funny when you realize how many people have moved here from warm weather climates, and that we are all on the road together!!

Blending those ideas, we were surprised to learn that Colorado is only the 34th safest place to drive in the snow! Crazy, right?

We thought we might offer some winter driving tips (you natives might appreciate the refresher as well) so we can have a less stressful driving experience in the snow.

The Post put out a great article on how to drive in the snow, for both us veterans and the newcomers to our fine city.

Be safe out there.

Investing in Your Home

As we cruise into spring, we are focusing on prioritizing the things we might want to do to our homes.

Obviously, there are lots of things that most of us have on our “list” when it comes to our home.

Not all those items will ever “pay for themselves”. Very few things you can do in your home will provide you 100% return on what you spend at the time you sell your home.

So, what are the things that provide the best ROI (return on investment) that you can do in your home?

Believe it or not, a garage door, comes in at number one at 98% ROI. We were very surprised by the roof replacement, which checks in at only 68% ROI. Kitchen and bath projects also rank very high on project ROI and can exceed 100% if done properly.

The full article can be found here. We also found other info from the folks at HGTV, and their take on things in a bit more detail can be found here.

Monthly Award Winners

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for January 2018.

Our top Cleaning Associates for the month were Maria Zapata, Salvadora Rosales, Martha Garcia, Aurora Dominguez and Josefina Quinonez.

In the Team Leader ranks, our top Team Leaders were Perla Hernandez and Martha Anchondo.

The race for top performers for 2018 has begun. Thanks to all our team members for their hard work, and a special thanks to our award winners!

Congrats ladies!

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Texting our clients has turned out to have a lot of unexpected benefits.  I won’t bore you with a list, but I will share that my very favorite is receiving photos of your pets.

Texting to confirm tomorrow’s clean really warrants only a yes or thumbs up gesture from the client.  But one day I received a reply with a photo of the client’s extremely large pet rabbit.

How cute is that?

Then I started receiving here and there photos of other pets until I have quite a menagerie on my phone.

And for the clients who email, please feel free to email photos!  (I wouldn’t mind a new photo of Kat and also one of Fred (Owners, you know who you are).

Stay warm, hug your pets!
